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Clinical Resources

Care Management Programs

Do you have patients who are HPP members who struggle to meet their health care goals or follow your treatment plan? HPP has staff and programs to help our members achieve their health goals while promoting self-management skills.

HPP’s staff can address members’ SDOH needs, as well. Our care coordinators and Member Relations representatives use Find Help, an online directory of local resources and support organizations, to help members find the resources they need.

Our data supports that members in active care coordination have a higher use of appropriate services, reduced ER visits and hospitalizations, and are more likely to follow through with their practitioners’ recommendations.

Our Medicaid and CHIP programs include:

Baby Partners: Our maternity program that assists moms-to-be, from prenatal to post-delivery, and connects the newborn to the important first well-child visit.

Care Coordination: Services designed for adults and children with multiple comorbidities, including physical and behavioral care needs.

Special Needs Unit: Links members, physicians, agencies, community services and staff at Health Partners Plans.

Healthy Kids: For children and young adults up to age 21, Healthy Kids provides assistance with lead screening follow ups and links to preventive care services, such as dental care and immunizations.


HPP proactively reaches out to members who may benefit from care management services. HPP studies utilization patterns to determine which members may benefit from care coordination services. All programs are voluntary and members opt out at any time.

You can refer any of your patients for care coordination support by calling our Clinical Connections team at 215-845-4797. We will reach out to these members for the appropriate programs.

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