two smiling women sitting together talking
Informe sobre la seguridad del paciente

To ensure high quality care and in accordance with DHS and CMS requirements, we must identify, track and follow up on:

  • Los efectos adversos graves que se pueden prevenir
  • Las condiciones adquiridas por la atención médica
  • Otras condiciones que se pueden prevenir a través de los proveedores
two smiling women sitting together talking

Providers can call our toll-free, anonymous phone line to report events that are deemed preventable, serious and adverse.

Please call 855-218-2314 and provide the following information:

  • Nombre del miembro y número de ID o fecha de nacimiento
  • Fecha del evento
  • Descripción del evento
  • Lugar donde ocurrió el evento

All calls are confidential, and our Quality Management department will verify the information you provide.

Our policy is to reasonably track and isolate identified events, and account for payments that may have been made in association with them. We reserve the right to retract payments for what are deemed preventable events.

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