As a Health Partners Plans member, you can see a provider without leaving your home or experiencing long wait times with JeffConnect. You have 24/7 access to Jefferson providers by using your smartphone, tablet or computer with a webcam.
JeffConnect is a quick and easy-to-use option for care for needs like colds, flu, cough, fever, urinary tract symptoms, infections, minor injuries and prescriptions. You can also use JeffConnect if you want a provider’s opinion about whether or not you should go to the ER.
It’s easy to get started with JeffConnect!
Once you are enrolled, log in to JeffConnect for an on-demand visit with a JeffConnect provider. You’ll be on your way to feeling better in no time!
Call Member Relations if you have more questions about JeffConnect. Just call the number on the back of your Member ID card.
Teladoc® is a phone and video service that connects you with doctors who can help you with many non-emergency medical conditions.
Las consultas de Teladoc son gratuitas para miembros de HPP.
Comuníquese con Teladoc si tiene estas afecciones y más:
Si fuera necesario, un médico de Teladoc podría darle una receta a corto plazo que usted puede recoger en la farmacia.
If you are new to Teladoc, you’ll need to set up an account by calling 1-800-Teladoc, downloading the mobile app or by visiting Have your Health Partners member ID number ready. Después de registrarse, deberá completar sus antecedentes médicos. Estos son los mismos tipos de preguntas que le responde a cualquier médico para proporcionarle la información que necesita para llegar a un diagnóstico.
Una vez que se haya registrado, puede llamar o ingresar en línea en cualquier momento para solicitar una consulta en Teladoc. Un médico le devolverá la llamada, por lo general en aproximadamente 10 minutos.
If you have a life-threatening medical emergency or if you need medical help right away, call 911, or go to the nearest emergency room.
Teladoc no reemplaza a su médico de atención primaria, pero puede ser una solución conveniente para enfermedades no urgentes.