Declaración de cumplimiento de las FDR con contrato nuevo

Los CMS y el DHS exigen que toda organización o persona que establece contratos con Health Partners Plans (HPP) para brindar servicios administrativos o de atención médica en nombre de HPP cumplan con varios requisitos del programa CMS. Al completar la siguiente declaración, usted certifica que su organización se compromete a cumplir con los requisitos del Programa de Cumplimiento de Medicare, Medicaid y/o CHIP y con cualquier requisito del Programa de Cumplimiento implementado por Health Partners Plans.

This attestation is for newly contracted Delegated Vendors only.

Please submit within 90 days of contracting.

Questions or concerns regarding this attestation can be directed to

1. Líneas de negocios
Select all HPP lines of business that your organization performs services for.

2. Code of Business Conduct and Compliance Program Policy Distribution
Select 1 option that best describes your organization's actions or enter an explanation in the comment box.

3. OIG/SAM/Medicheck Exclusion Screening
Select the option below or enter an explanation in the comment box.

4. Reporting Mechanisms
Select the option below or enter an explanation in the comment box.

5. Informes sobre subcontratistas en el extranjero
My organization and/or any of our downstream/related entities

If your organization and/or any of its downstream/related entities plan to engage in offshore operations related to HPP business, please obtain HPP approval prior to delegation. Once approval is received, complete the 'Offshore Subcontractor Attestation', located on the Delegated Vendor Information webpage, within 15 days of contracting.

Como representante autorizado de la organización nombrada a continuación, certifico haber revisado y comprender todos los requisitos de la política de proveedores de HPP, que las declaraciones anteriores son verdaderas a mi entender y que mi organización mantiene registros que respaldan nuestro cumplimiento.

This attestation is for newly contracted Delegated Vendors only.

Please submit within 90 days of contracting.

Questions or concerns regarding this attestation can be directed to

1. Líneas de negocios
Select all HPP lines of business that your organization performs services for.

2. Code of Business Conduct and Compliance Program Policy Distribution
Select 1 option that best describes your organization's actions or enter an explanation in the comment box.

3. OIG/SAM/Medicheck Exclusion Screening
Select the option below or enter an explanation in the comment box.

4. Reporting Mechanisms
Select the option below or enter an explanation in the comment box.

5. Informes sobre subcontratistas en el extranjero
My organization and/or any of our downstream/related entities

If your organization and/or any of its downstream/related entities plan to engage in offshore operations related to HPP business, please obtain HPP approval prior to delegation. Once approval is received, complete the 'Offshore Subcontractor Attestation', located on the Delegated Vendor Information webpage, within 15 days of contracting.

Como representante autorizado de la organización nombrada a continuación, certifico haber revisado y comprender todos los requisitos de la política de proveedores de HPP, que las declaraciones anteriores son verdaderas a mi entender y que mi organización mantiene registros que respaldan nuestro cumplimiento.

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