Three women friends hugging and laughing
Medicaid Plan

How to Enroll in Health Partners Plans Medicaid

Health Partners Plans Medicaid is a health plan licensed by the Pennsylvania Insurance Department. If you qualify for Medicaid through the state of Pennsylvania, you can apply today! There are several ways to enroll in our plan – learn more about each option below.

Three women friends hugging and laughing
Cómo inscribirse

You can enroll in Health Partners Plans Medicaid three ways:

Inscribirse en línea

If you have Medicaid, you can enroll in Health Partners Plans Medicaid online.  

By clicking Enroll Now, you will be redirected to PA Enrollment Services

Enroll by App
Inscribirse por teléfono

Prefer to enroll by phone? Call PA Enrollment Services at 1-800-440-3989; TTY users can call 711.

Am I Eligible?

If you would like to enroll in Health Partners Plans Medicaid, you must qualify for Medicaid through the state of Pennsylvania. You may qualify for Medicaid based on low income or other Federal eligibility requirements, such as pregnancy, veteran status, age or disability.

Visit COMPASS to see if you are eligible for Medicaid and to complete an online application.

Preguntas frecuentes

You may be eligible for Medicaid depending on your financial situation or other Federal eligibility requirements. Medicaid covers individuals and families who qualify based on low-income status or non-financial factors, such as pregnancy, veteran status, age or disability. To qualify for Health Partners Plans Medicaid, you must be eligible for Medicaid and be a resident of the State of Pennsylvania.

To see if you are eligible, visit COMPASS.

If you have questions about Health Partners Plans Medicaid or the benefits we offer, our friendly Member Relations team is here to help. Call us at 1-800-553-0784 (TTY 1-877-454-8477). 

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