News and Announcements

If you receive both Medicaid and Medicare and live in the state of Pennsylvania, you need to take steps to verify your information with the state to ensure you continue to receive health care coverage.

Verify Your Information

Once the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency ended, state agencies began evaluating each person’s Medicaid eligibility. People with Medicaid benefits could lose their coverage if they don’t provide the information necessary to verify their income or residency.

If you are a member of Jefferson Health Plans Medicare and also receive Medicaid benefits, you should take the following steps to make sure you receive your Medicaid renewal application paperwork.

  • Make sure your contact information is up to date:
  • Check your mail for a letter about your Medicaid coverage. Esta carta le informará cuándo debe completar su solicitud para ver si aún califica para recibir los beneficios de Medicaid.
  • Complete y envíe su solicitud de renovación a tiempo. Devuelva su solicitud de elegibilidad antes de la fecha límite para evitar la pérdida de su cobertura de Medicaid.

Podría perder la cobertura si no recibe y completa su formulario de renovación.

If you have questions about redetermination, please call our friendly Member Relations team at 1-866-901-8000 (TTY 1-877-454-8477).

Did you receive a letter about changes to our provider network? You can select a new health care provider near you by using our provider directory or calling our Member Services Department at 1-800-553-0784 (TTY 1-877-454-8477). We understand that changing providers can be a difficult situation for our members, and we want to help you as much as possible with this transition, if your provider is no longer participating or if you’d like to change providers.

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